Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gay America

Ten years after America is devastated by the 9/11 World Trade Tower attacks, the city of New York finally legalizes gay marriage. A few months after gay marriage is legalized, the world’s financial markets begin collapsing.

Coincidence? I think not.

While gays all over the world fight for the right to be treated equally, much larger and more sinister human rights abuses are going on every day around the world. Entire countries are squealing under the heavy boot of the USA, desperately trying to protect what little sovereignty they have left. Whether they like it or not they will have a drive-thru McDonald’s on every street. That’s democracy, after all.

Isn’t it?

In some ways we’re even worse off than the peasants of centuries ago. We’re worse off because most of us aren’t even aware of how imprisoned we really are. Consumerism has brainwashed us into zombies. We care more about shoes and shopping than we do about each other. TV pacifies us even further into ignorance and apathy.

We are only told what they want us to know- even the media are enslaved.
The truth is kept secret and used to control us, and we are too busy watching “Jersey Shore” to even care.

“How does this affect gay people?” I hear you ask.

Well, before Capitalism there was the Church. They also lied about the truth and tried to control us through fear- the fear that being gay would anger God and make him send us to Hell; the fear that they would discover our secret and slaughter us “in the name of God”.

The Church’s basic modus operandi was to first convert and if that didn’t work then kill. America is no different.

America is founded on the same principles as the Christian Church: dominate the people by hiding the truth and making up your own rules. Kill anyone who gets in the way.

Gay rights challenge these lies in a very fundamental way. If they could have killed and enslaved us all centuries ago they would have- it’s just unfortunate for them we don’t all have the same skin color. Now we are finally beginning to see the fruits of our labor- the right to be married and treated equally under the law. Bear in mind that this process has taken decades, and it was not without considerable bloodshed.

If being gay is ok, then that means they lied to us. And if they lied to us about that, what else have they lied to us about? Their lies are becoming increasingly transparent.

The events of 9/11 were not an act of “terrorism”, as the American government would like to have us believe. They were a desperate attempt by the US Government to induce fear- so that Americans would agree to forfeit their basic rights and thereby further empower the US military.

The airplane that flew into the Pentagon apparently “disintegrated on impact”. Yes ok America, whatever you say. Was there also a virgin birth involved? The financial ties between Osama Bin Laden’s family and America’s financial elite are too intricate and inter-woven for them to ever really be “enemies”. They couldn’t even show us Bin Laden’s body after they claimed to have killed him. That’s like me telling you I killed a lion with my bare hands but I can’t show you it’s body because I buried it in the ocean. Do you believe me? Or like me saying I saw someone turn water into wine? Oh no wait that one’s already been done…

The legalization of gay marriage in New York is yet another hole in the sinking ship that is Western civilization. The fact is that in our Capitalist society it really doesn’t matter who you’re having sex with, gay or straight or otherwise. If you have money and power you’re free to engage in whatever sexual activities you desire- no-matter how sick and depraved. It’s all part of the game.

In America you can be as gay as Michael Jackson if you want to and invite little kids over for sleepovers and plough them with “Jesus juice” and god knows what else. Money buys that kind of freedom in our society. Just ask the Catholic church- they’ve been raping children for centuries.

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